Data Views App: Display Data Views data in real-time on a CloudPage

Data Views in Salesforce Marketing Cloud are system-generated tables that provide detailed information about various aspects of your marketing efforts. These tables store 6 months of data about your subscribers, such as email sends, opens, clicks, bounces, and more. Data views play a crucial role in helping to analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns. …

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Splitting a string of comma-separated values in a Data Extension field using SQL

The data that we have to work with in Salesforce Marketing Cloud rarely comes in the format that we need to be able to further use it inside journeys, emails, etc. One of the common use cases that repeatedly comes up on Salesforce Stack Exchange is splitting values from a comma-delimited list into separate rows. …

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ChatGPT and Marketing Cloud Integration: Real-Time Email Content Generation with ChatGPT API

I couldn't resist the hype surrounding ChatGPT, so I've decided to jump in on the trend and see how it could be used by marketers in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. ChatGPT claims that some of the common use cases for generative AI in email marketing are: Personalization: ChatGPT can be trained on customer data, such as …

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OPT (One-Time Password) flow using Triggered Sends and CloudPages

One-Time Passwords (OTPs) are unique codes that are generated for one-time use and are widely used in various industries to verify a user's identity. Usual OTP use cases include two-factor authentication (2FA) and password resets, but OTPs can also be used in marketing to verify a subscriber's email address upon, for example, newsletter signup, event …

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Passing variable values between AMPscript, Server-Side JavaScript and Client-Side JavaScript

A lot of advanced use cases related to building dynamic, highly personalised CloudPages in Salesforce Marketing Cloud require developers to jump between using AMPscript, Server-Side JavaScript and Client-Side JavaScript on one page. This can be a challange, as both AMPscript and Server-Side JavaScript are server-side languages and they are processed on a web server, while …

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